DWP Autism and Neurodiversity Toolkit
for staff and managers

Literacy / Dyslexia
Consider reading materials and how they are presented.
Have “easy read” materials available, where possible.
Proofing software, like Ginger or Ghotit, can be a great help to individuals.
Utilise text-to-speech and speech-to-text software, which are often built into computer systems as standard, or discuss trying free versions online.
Spell-checkers can also be very helpful tools for individuals.
Avoid printing on bright white paper. Use cream or pale blue instead.
Use an easy to read font, such as Arial, Verdana, Comic Sans and size of 12+.
Use short sentences and leave plenty of space between lines of text.
Avoid asking the individual to read out aloud in a group, unless this has been discussed beforehand.
Create templates for reports to limit text an individual must enter, saving time.
Write down instructions and use visual prompts to act as reminders.
Email, colour code and / or underline important text.
Allow more time to read information. Explain the meanings of words if not clear.